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ASBIS nodrošina plašu klāstu IT produktu saviem klientiem visā Latvijā. Lai uzzinātu sev tuvāk esošā veikala atrašanās vietu, apmeklējiet ASBIS dīleru sadaļu

ASBIS ziņas

Jūnijs 25, 2024
ASBISC Enterprises Plc, a leading Value-Added Distributor, developer, and ...
Jūnijs 25, 2024
During his Computex keynote in Taiwan, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger highlighted the ...
Jūnijs 21, 2024
Ubiquiti, a global leader in networking technology, has unveiled its latest ...
Jūnijs 05, 2024
In the ever-evolving world of wireless networking, Wi-Fi 7 stands poised to ...
Jūnijs 04, 2024
“Midea” modernākais viedais telpu klimata kontroles risinājums komfortam vasarā ...
Maijs 31, 2024
AMD EPYC 4004 Series processors power an expanded range of entry level system ...
Why Intel® Ethernet Is a Great Choice for Network Connectivity

Marts 18, 2024


Why Intel® Ethernet Is a Great Choice for Network Connectivity

Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Network Adapters support speeds up to 100Gbps and include innovative and versatile capabilities to optimize workload performance.

Performance for Cloud Applications

Delivers the bandwidth and increased application throughput required for demanding cloud workloads including edge services, web servers, database applications, caching servers, and storage targets.

Optimizations for Communications Workloads

Provides packet classification and sorting optimizations for high-bandwidth network and communications workloads, including mobile core, 5G RAN, and network appliances.

Supports Hyperconverged Solutions

The 800 Series broad portfolio of adapters, with different port counts and form factors, delivers performance with efficient use of server processors.Improve application efficiency and network performance with innovative and versatile capabilities that optimize high-performance server workloads such as NFV, storage, HPC-AI, and hybrid cloud.

Versatility and Flexibility for the Data Center

The Ethernet Port Configuration Tool is available on 100GbE Intel Ethernet 800 Series Network Adapters1, and offers a versatile solution for high-density, port-constrained network environments. One port becomes eight 10GbE ports, four 25GbE ports, and more–up to six configurations to choose from.

Visi ASBIS produkti tiek pārdoti klientam ievērojot pārdošanas nosacījumus un noteikumus, kādi ir spēkā produktu pārdošanas brīdī. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka ASBIS ir datortehnikas un programmatūru vairumtirdzniecības piegādātājs Eiropas, Vidus Āzijas un Āfrikas valstīs. Kompānija sadarbojas ar B2B klientiem, kā tālākpārdevējiem, mazumtirdzniecības pārstāvjiem, e-pārdevējiem, sistēmas administratoriem un OEM. ASBIS nepiegādā produkciju tieši gala patērētājam. Apmeklējiet ASBIS mājās lapā sadaļu tālākpārdevējiem, lai uzzinātu jums tuvākā IT veikala atrašanās vietu.